Trending Insights

Where we share the latest news, success stories, and media showcasing how Butterfli is making a meaningful impact in the accessible transportation community.

In the News

October 2024

March 14th, 2019

August 27th, 2021

See how Butterfli helped 100 businesses during the pandemic

COVID-19 Pandemic

August 18th, 2021

"I have always had courteous drivers, and prompt transportation. I am very grateful for the service you continuously provide. Thank you for your professional service."

"Our partnership is very valuable, it keeps our residents from missing very important medical appointments that could cause a decline in their everyday functions. It's very warming to know transport will show up without question."

"Very valuable and reliable, hassle free, keeps the client happy in knowing they will make it safely to their destination."

Introduction to Butterfli Technologies


Butterfli-Making mobility Easier

Butterfli Client Portal Instructions